La OMC publica la edición más reciente de Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo




El 6 de julio, la OMC publicó la edición más reciente de su publicación anual Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo, que contiene información detallada sobre las medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias impuestas por más de 170 países y territorios aduaneros. La publicación ha sido elaborada conjuntamente por la OMC, la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) y el Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC).

Tariff data are presented in comparative tables indicating, among other things, the average «bound» or maximum tariff each economy may apply to its imports and the average tariff it applies in practice. A one-page profile for each economy provides more detailed data, with tariffs broken down by product groups and trading partners.

A summary table providing selected indicators on the imports and exports for each country and customs territory is also included. In addition, the publication provides statistics on non-tariff measures, such as safeguards and anti-dumping measures, used by WTO members.

The special topic for this issue is market access to medical goods related to COVID-19. The chapter looks into the bound and applied tariffs for a range of medical products, such as medicines and medical technology, critical for the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that the average tariff applied by WTO members to all medical products is 4.8 per cent, with the highest tariffs being applied to personal protective products (an average tariff of 11.5 per cent).

French and Spanish editions will be available for download by the end of July. Printed copies will be available in August.

Fuente: OMC