La OMC pone en marcha un foro de debate dedicado al Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2014



El 18 de noviembre de 2014, la OMC puso en marcha un foro de debate acerca del comercio y el desarrollo, tema del Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2014. El foro tiene por objeto promover un debate abierto sobre los posibles elementos de una nueva generación de reformas comerciales destinadas a facilitar el desarrollo.

(de momento sólo en inglés)

The WTO invites delegates, non-governmental organizations, academia, WTO staff members and all those with an active interest in trade and development to submit short contributions (of no more than 1,000 words) to Contributions will be published on a dedicated webpage.

The World Trade Report 2014 was launched on 20 October 2014. Entitled “Trade and development: recent trends and the role of the WTO”, the Report looks at how four recent major economic trends have changed how developing countries can use trade to facilitate their development. These trends are the economic rise of developing economies, the growing integration of global production through supply chains, the higher prices for agricultural goods and natural resources, and the increasing interdependence of the world economy. The report can be downloaded here.